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John Thorne: GSA Sustainability

This week for our DT talk we had John Throne speak to us, he is the GSA sustainability coordinator. John asked before his talk if we could watch the video below and think about how it makes us feel as young designers. I had heard of Greta Thunberg before and seen small clips of her speaking on Twitter but never actually sat down and listened to a full talk of hers. Greta explains her personal struggles, trying to get a grasp on how we as a human race have put ourselves in this crisis situation. She also starts listing off statistics, highlighting the dire state our planet is in. I'd seen similar stats before on social media and the news, however, hearing them from this little girl makes them much more impactful and makes you think, how can I help?
Another video we were asked to watch was one Johan Rockstrom presented over 10 years ago. In it he explains how the human race is on a gloomy path and the enormous pressure we have put on our poor planet. His main point though is that we need to begin to 'bend the curves' and start to reverse the affect we are inducing on the planet. It's sad to think how if I were to watch this same talk 10 years ago it would fill me with hope that we will fix our problems, however, hearing it now is almost embarrassing how we've not only failed to reverse the affects but we've actually made them worse.
This weeks talk really made me question what impact I can make as a young designer on society. The time to change our current way of living has passed us and altering people's mindset is going to be one of the hardest aspects of this challenge. Is it possible for me to create a product or service that can aid people to transition to a more sustainable way of living?
John Thorne: GSA Sustainability

John Thorne: GSA Sustainability
